Behind-The-Ear hearing aids
Behind The Ear hearing aid (abbreviated: BTE) consist in all design variants of a technical part, which is worn in a housing behind the ear and an earpas piece, which, depending on the version, is worn completely inside the outer ear canal or partly in the outer part of the outer ear canal – the auricle.
Between the two is a tube connection (Classic and thin tube – BTE) or a thin electrical line connection (ReceiverInCanal / RIC – BTE).
Each of our BTE hearing aids has at least the following features:
- Automatic volume control
- Automatic noise detection and reduction
- Automatic feedback detection and reduction
- Dual microphone system with
| 360° characteristics
| 60° directional pattern to the front (directional microphone) - optional 3 listening programs, individually created by us according to your hearing needs
- Moisture and dust protection by nanotechnology (at least IP54, usually IP67)
The presence of different equipment, comfort and functional features is determined by the selection of a technology level. In order to select a technology level, it is necessary for us as hearing care professionals to create your personal hearing profile.
Table of contents
RIC-Behind The Ear hearing aids

Reciver-In-Canal – Behind The Ear hearing aids (abbreviated: RIC-BTE) enable the smallest possible size and design of the behind-the-ear hearing aids.
By outsourcing the speaker/receiver (loudspeaker) from the hearing aid housing – to external – there is an enormous space saving, so that the hearing aid can be built more compactly.
The receiver supply line connects the technical housing to the receiver (speaker). It is much finer and more inconspicuous in diameter than the sound hose of a thin hose – BTE.
Electrical strands are passed through the receiver supply line, which control the listener in the ear canal or serve as an antenna for connectivity functions. These shimmer copper to rose gold colors on the skin of the user and change with it, making the entire supply line almost invisible.
The handset is worn directly in the user’s ear canal.
Ideally and technically correct, it is held there by a custom-made earpiece in a reproducible, defined wearing position.

The silicone screens/domes, which are often seen on product photos and unfortunately also in hearing aid users, are an invention of the
hearing aid industry, which actually only serves to enable a quick first hearing aid test by the user – for
With a few justified exceptional cases, these temporary arrangements are not provided for permanently and are not suitable.
The hearing aid industry and many competitors often suggest simplicity and lightness to the user, which – if at all – is only true for a short time. Such an acoustic coupling cannot guarantee sustainable success and meet the needs of the user.
The professionally experienced and sustainable quality-oriented, reputable hearing care professional will always adapt an individual, custom-made earpiece to his customer. As a rule, we already do this as part of the hearing aid testing and comparative hearing aid fitting.
Technology and Equipment
We carry all well-known hearing aid manufacturers, in all technology levels and the associated equipment and comfort features. When selecting our technology, we focus exclusively on your hearing needs and needs. We are not dependent on concentrating on individual suppliers in order to realize large quantities there and thus to realize an attractive purchase.
We can act in this way because we have organized ourselves in a purchasing community and can thus realize correspondingly attractive purchasing conditions at all hearing aid manufacturers.
- all technology levels available
- all features available
- Battery sizes 10, 312, rechargeble battery
- Multifunction button, optionally activatable, with optional multiple function
- Moisture and dust protection (min. IP54, usually IP67)
- Dual microphone
pro | contra
- Smallest size possible, up to severe hearing loss, resulting in higher cosmetic demands can be fulfilled
- less distortion and resonance than a sound hose system
- high feedback resistance, especially with open (more) supply
- All-encompassing technical features available
- Rechargeable battery technology available
- Hearing aids for hearing impairment easily replaceable with stronger variant (Depends on ear canal anatomy)
- Higher hygiene and maintenance requirements than with Classic BTE and partly with thin hose BTE
- Minimum space required for receiver (speaker) in the user’s ear canal, especially for normal hearing in the low to mid-range range
- Higher demands on the motor, tactile and coccitive abilities of the user in handling and maintaining the system
- shorter running times, size-related and associated lower energy capizät of the energy source
- in some cases, audiological functions, as well as equipment and comfort features are not available due to their size
How much does an RIC – Behind The EAR hearing aid?
A hearing aid supply with an RIC- BTE can be obtained from € 249,– own contribution*if you are a member of a German statutory health insurance. The private price starts at € 999,–.
The cost can get higher if you opt for more and better features and features.
Mini - Behind The Ear hearing aids

It was first released in 2003 with the legendary Resound Air.
This was the first time that a sound tube more than half as thin as the standard sound tube of the Classic BTE was used for a hearing aid, which had the visual advantage that the behind the ear hearing system on the ear, viewed from the front and the side, now became almost invisible for the first time, as the sound tube was very difficult to recognize. The effect was enhanced by omitting the carrying hook/hearing angle and leading the thin sound tube over the upper base of the ear to behind the ear.
At the same time, the hearing aid housing, including technology, has been greatly miniaturized, so that it is harder to detect from behind the ear. An attractive color palette did the rest. The receiver (speaker) is limited in power due to the size, so that maximum moderate hearing loss can be supplied. Otherwise, the design is the same as the Classic BTE.
Optionally, however, a carrying hook is also possible, so that the hearing system can also be used for hearing loss that is present in the low, medium and high frequencies (broadband).
The visual advantage of the thin hose was quickly transferred to the Classic BTE by optionally omitting the carrying hook/listening angle. Thus, depending on the hearing loss, these are now also to be worn as a thin-tube hearing system. This is limited to low to severe hearing loss in the medium to high frequency range.
Technology and Equipment
- all technology levels available
- all features available
- Battery sizes 10, 312
- Multifunction button, optionally activatable, with optional multiple function
- Moisture and dust protection (min. IP54, usually IP67)
- Dual microphone
pro | contra
- Small size, up to moderate hearing loss, resulting cosmetic requirements can be met
- Open mid-treble supply possible, as smaller space requirement in the ear canal due to thin tube
- All-encompassing technical features available
- Hearing angle in case of hearing impairment or from the beginning for mushband supply optionally possible
- Lower requirements for cleaning and maintenance competence cf. RIC – BTE
- slightly more acoustic consumption and resonances in thin tube version, compared to the RIC – BTE
- Slightly higher demands on cleaning and maintenance competence by users compared to Classic BTE
- higher demands on the motor, tactile and coccitive abilities of the user in handling and maintaining the system than with Classic – BTE
- shorter running times, size-related and associated lower energy capizät of the energy source
- Rechargeable battery technology not available
- in some cases, audiological functions, as well as equipment and comfort features are not available due to their size
How much does a Mini-Behind The Ear hearing aid cost?
A hearing aid with a Mini-BTE can be obtained from € 99,– own contribution*if you are a member of a German statutory health insurance. Private price starts at € 849,–.
The cost can get higher if you opt for more and better features and features.
Classic - Behind The Ear hearing aids

They are the direct descendants of the pocket hearing device, with the difference that all electronic components are housed in a housing, which is usually adapted to the shape of the ear.
These include in the rough microphone/s, processor, handset (speaker), possibly div. Interfaces for wireless connections, power source, and if necessary operating elements
At the upper end of the housing is a so-called carrying hook / listening angle, which in turn is connected to a sound hose, which then leads to a custom-made earpiece.
The earpiece adapts the hearing aid to the individual ear of the user and, with the hearing aid, is one of the most important, key components of a hearing system.
Technology and Equipment
- all technology levels available
- all features available
- Multifunction button, optionally activatable, with optional multiple function
- Moisture and dust protection (min. IP54, usually IP67)
- Dual microphone
- Battery sizes 10, 312, 675, battery
pro | contra
- suitable for all hearing loss
- All-encompassing technical features available
- longest runtimes, due to larger batteries
- Rechargeable battery technology available
- Lower demands on the motor and tactile abilities of the user, in handling and maintenance of the system cf. RIC – BTE and Mini – BTE with thin tube
- depending on hearing loss, optionally adaptable with thin tube, thus discreet, despite high gain performance
- high functional reliability in users with strong cerumen formation or secretion-forming disease of the middle ear / outer ear canal
- slightly less discreet due to larger housing
- in rare cases, possibly space problem with tightly fitting auricles
- slightly more acoustic consumption and resonances in thin tube version, compared to the RIC – BTE
- Sound hose must be changed regularly
How much does a Classic Behind The Ear hearing aid cost?
A hearing aid with a Classic BTE can be obtained from € 0,– own contribution*if you are a member of a German statutory health insurance. Private price starts at € 750,–.
The cost can get higher if you opt for more and better features and features.
The statutory additional payment is € 20,– for bilateral hearing aid care or € 10,– for one-sided hearing system care, unless the insured person is exempt from the statutory surcharge.