Als Unternehmen des Gesundheits-Handwerks nehmen wir unsere gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung war und sind für Sie da, auch in der Pandemie.

Bitte beachten Sie unsere Öffnungszeiten.

Aktuell benötigen Sie, für einen Besuch bei uns, keinen Corona-Test.
Die 3G, 2G und 2G plus – Regeln gelten für unseren Betrieb nicht.

Dennoch macht es zum Schutze aller Sinn, sich zuvor zu testen und vor allem geimpft zu sein!

Jedoch ist es erforderlich, dass Sie

– eine FFP2-Maske oder besser tragen
frei von Erkältungssympthomen sind
– möglichst einen Termin vereinbaren oder sich voranmelden
– die Abstandsregeln einhalten (soweit nicht durch unsere Tätigkeit unmöglich)
– die Zutrittregelungen bezüglich der Personenzahl beachten.

Wir behalten uns im Rahmen unseres Hausrechtes vor, die Schutzmaßnahmen lagebedingt anzupassen.

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ReSound LiNX Quattro™

The 6th generation of the legendary Made for iPhone hearing system can now also use ASHA for AndroidOS. It takes smart hearing to new levels so that people with hearing loss can hear more, understand, do more and experience more in their lives.

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Personalized and Connected Hearing

stands for a completely new way of sound processing. It creates clear contrasts in your sound perception by means of two separate processors for speech and ambient noise.

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Book your free appointment now online

Make an appointment immediately free of charge via our online appointment planner for hearing aids - consultation, fitting, service. Hearing protection or other services.


Exclusive almost invisible miniature hearing systems.
For you, custom-made in our studio.

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The new naturalness of hearing
Ultra-fast PureSound processing revolutionizes the sound of hearing aids.

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Hearing aids for children in different colors and sizes


Hearing aids for children

A hearing test in Berlin - only at AURIBELL!


Test your hearing

Who we are

We are the hearing care professionals – master craftsman of the capital Berlin! As pediatric audiologists we also take care of the hearing aid care for children. And as acousticians and audiologists, we are always up to date with the latest knowledge.
Our shop is located in the heart of the beautiful district of Charlottenburg – Wilmersdorf.

What we do

We provide you with quality of life, maintain or restore your acoustic communication skills.
We prevent auditory-social conflicts and reduce them.
A supply of hearing aids prevents dementia diseases to a considerable extent.

We love, what we do

Audiologist with soul and passion. Only when you are completely satisfied are we too. Being personally there for you, knowing that you know that we know your needs and that we really care about them and fulfill them.. More … Only if you are completely satisfied are we. Being there for you personally, knowing that you know that we know your needs and are really interested in it and meeting them. We love audiology!

hearing aids

Hearing aids today are miniaturized high-performance hearing computers, this applies to behind the ear hearing aids, in the ear hearing aids and hearing implants equal measures. The microprocessors used are the most efficient on this planet in terms of the number of computing operations from a certain amount of energy. This must be so, as they can only ever have a very limited amount of energy that they carry into the classic battery or a modern lithium battery.
They have a Bluetooth connection point almost as standard, through which audio streaming, telephony, health and safety-related applications have long since become a reality with the hearing aid. Instead of the usual 6 hours, as with a usual Blutooth InEar listener, they last several days.

We offer you a comprehensive manufacturer portfolio, but we do not limit our hearing aid manufacturer selection, like some hearing care chain stores, to a few brands. With us you get hearing aids from all well-known brand manufacturers, particularly finely adapted.